Cat Clipping
Full Clip, Lion Clip or Teddy Bear Clip with Dry Bath
This service includes:-
- A consultation with the groomer on general coat condition and behaviour.
- Nail Clipping
- Full Clip – a hair cut meaning clipping or shaving off the entire coat, leaving about a quarter of an inch, or half a centimetre, of cat’s hair on its body. Hair on the head and front part of the cat, boots on legs and a trimmed tail are finished with scissors to the customer’s specification. The cat will look similar to the Lion Clip but with a full tail.
- Lion Clip – This hair cut is slightly more creative, the same length is left on the cat’s body as in the full clip, but leaving its head, chest legs and tail like a Lion.
- Teddy Bear Clip - the coat needs to be groomed through first to remove any knots, matts or tangles. Then the full coat is clipped using a comb over the clipper blade at a length to suit; like men have a No. 4 or No. 6 haircut.
- Styling the cat’s coat on the customer’s request.
- Foam bath with J.P. Mitchell Waterless Foam Shampoo (no rinsing required).
- Flea treatment with J.P. Mitchell Tea Tree Spray, if required, at no extra charge.
- Cleaning the Ears & Eyes with J.P. Mitchell Eat & Eye Wipes.
- Wiping the cat’s body with J.P. Mitchell Full Body & Paw Bath Wipes.
- Advice on cat grooming tools, grooming products and grooming after care.

Pictures (left to right)
1. Before. 2. After first rough clip. 3. Close up of flea infestation underneath thick coat.
4. Looking smart and clean after bath and 2nd clip.
Add a Wet Bath to the Full Clip, Lion Clip or Teddy Bear Clip
Wet bath is an additional service to the Full Clip, Lion Clip or Teddy Bear Clip, cannot be chosen on its own and includes:
- Two warm baths with J.P. Mitchell Pet Shampoos, such as Oatmeal Shampoo or Super Bright Shampoo. Flea bath with J. P. Mitchell Tea Tree Treatment Shampoo if required at no extra charge. The shampoo will be chosen in accordance with the cat’s coat condition and specific requirements.
- Medicated shampoo treatment on customer request, prescribed by their Veterinary Surgeon if required, at no extra charge.
- Rinse the cat’s coat with J.P. Mitchell Oatmeal Conditioner.
- Hand blow drying (no cage drying) with brushing out of the coat with J.P. Mitchell Oatmeal Conditioning Spray.
*Dry Bath means no water required and Wet Bath means water required